Over 33 lakh children in India are malnourished. More than half of them fall in the severely malnourished category with Maharashtra, Bihar and Gujarat topping the list, according to the WCD Ministry.
Malnutrition has severe health repercussions on the health of a child. Children suffering from severe malnutrition are nine times more likely to die in case of diseases due to their weakened immune system. Those suffering from moderate malnutrition are also at increased risk of morbidity and mortality during childhood.
As per NFHS-5 (National Family Health Survey 5-2019-20), 27.3% children under 5 years of age are wasted and 38% children under 5 years of age are reported to be underweight.
We are on the mission to improve the health and nutritional status of our children so that they can lead a healthy and responsible adulthood.
Ms. Tasmiya Ansari is 8 years old girl who stays at Prem Nagar, Jogeshwari. She was enrolled under Child Malnutrition Detection and Reduction program during field visits. Tasmiyawas detected with Moderate Acute Malnutrition. She was supported with necessary medications and protein supplementations. But only providing supplements to malnourished children is not the motto, we put extra efforts to improve children’s Daily dietary and hygiene practices to ensure sustainable growth and development. Thus, Niramaya Team interacted with Tasmiya’s mother to understand more about Tasmiya’s daily routine. During History taking, her mother shared that she had twin pregnancy and Tasmiya was born pre-term in the 7 th month of her pregnancy. Her birth weight was just 900 gms. She was hospitalized for more than a month during which lots of medicines were administered to her to boost her survival. Tasmiya survived but continued to remain weak and underweight. Tasmiya underwent doctor’s examination to rule out any existing illness affecting her nutritional status. Her daily diet plan was evaluated. Her mother was trained in nutritional recipes which she can make at home and feed to Tasmiya on regular basis. Tasmiya started showing improvement in her nutritional status. After three months of interventions, she progressed into normal nutritional grade. Her frequency of getting common infections such as cold, cough also reduced.
Tasmiya’s mother was very happy with this improvement. She shared, “I used to blame myself for the ill-health of my baby. But now, when I see her healthy and active, I feel so happy. I am thankful to Niramaya Health Foundation, that they helped my baby Tasmiya. I learnt various recipes here, it helped me to improve my cooking practices and diet of other kids as well.”